“So, you’re really a writer?”
Yep. Started as a screenwriter 25 years ago.
“What sort of things?”
Film & TV. Bold stories that sell around the world.
“Anything I’ve heard of?”

Sure. Things like…

And I’ve adapted some Terry Pratchett novels for Sky…

I’ve also turned classic stories into TV shows…
“What about movies?”
Of course. 16 commissioned movie scripts for some of the world’s biggest film studios…
(“Actually, I already looked you up on IMDb…”)
“…which also mentions something about novels?”
I LOVE writing novels!
“Tough to break into.”
I was very determined…
…and started with a two-book deal for Walker Books…
It was great to see them translated into languages I couldn’t understand!

Now I’m writing a series of thrillers for Sapere Books about the building of St Peter’s Basilica in Rome…
“But that was 500 years ago!”
As Lord Byron said, “The best prophet of the future is the past.”
“Vibrant Voices. Sensational Stories. Beautiful Books.”

I’ve also written a true-crime novel about the fraudulent eye surgeon who murdered Bach.
“The composer? I didn’t know he was murdered.”
Read on!
It was a story hiding in the footnotes of history.